
Living Simple Rules

SRF, Arizona
As a counterpoint to the last story, here is another list of (not quite) Simple Rules on how to ruin the office culture. They come courtesy of Employee Benefit News and certainly provide some food for thought. I believe culture comes from the top, so what is the culture you and your leaders are creating and sustaining?...
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SRF, Arizona
I recently came across an article on what we could learn from U.S. Presidents. Well, you could no doubt write a book … and in all fairness I see Part One: What to Do, and then Part Two: What Not to Do. So each of us would do well to pay attention to the following...
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Chuck, Ohio, US
A recent piece by writer, editor and publishing expert Chuck Sambuchino inspired this short list of simple rules, which we all could have used at some time or other. What I particularly appreciate is that each can be a metaphor and scalable for the individual, whole and greater whole. Simple Rules for Not Loosing those...
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Diana, Portland, OR
Special thanks to a friend of the Simple Rules Foundation in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, US.
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Sandra, Toronto, Canada
A colleague and I recently had a conversation about her work in the international business arena. These are Sandra's words: As the environment continues to change and as we look to free our organization in order to deliver on our promise to our customers, it is also important to free the individual expertise of each one...
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Lighthouse Montessori School, Seattle, WA
Here at Lighthouse Montessori School, our global community models compassion and peaceful conflict resolution. We cherish the growth and self-creation of our children. This is the world we want to create and the world that we work for every day. Our Simple Rules lead to congruence in complex systems, like Schools. These are the rules...
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I.P.R., Ohio, US
Learning to deal with and overcoming adversity is what makes us who we are. Every challenge and every difficulty we successfully confront serves to strengthen our will, confidence and ability to conquer future obstacles. One example of how simple rules can help comes from a colleague of mine, I.P.R. She is a coach, consultant, author and advocate. “I...
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Karin, Baltimore, MD
Karin Hurt is an experienced executive and leadership zealot, challenging leaders to question, experience, grow and succeed. This short list of simple rules emerged from her work on collaboration and community. Do the best that everyone of us can Have each other’s backs Share the bad, the good and the best Be there Learn, grow and celebrate...
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Kirk, Atlanta, GA
Kirk Weisler is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Motivator, and Chief Morale Officer. His passion is to be a catalyst for positive change. A recent post on his Thought for the Day site, T4D, about simple rules caught my eye and Kirk graciously allowed us to share these with you. Be sure to check out all of...
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Larry, Change Consultant, East Coast, US
Larry partners with clients throughout the US and western Europe to accelerate measurable, sustainable change. He and his team at 3-D Change follow simple and powerful rules to guide every interaction with each other and their clients: Use any and all tools we possess, in any combination, needed to address our clients’ unique situations and needs....
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